jud-, judic-
(Latin: decide, determine a result; declare to be; right and power to interpret the law)
Directly related to the jus-, just-, jur- unit.
judicable (adjective), more judicable, most judicable
Liable to be judged, tried, or decided upon: The judicable dispute regarding the building of the house was taken to court where the final decisions were made.
judicial (adjective), more judicial, most judicial
judicial, judicious
judicial (joo DISH uhl) (adjective)
Relating to the individual holding a senior position within the legal court system: "Judicial ethics should keep a judge, like this one, above suspicion."
judicious (joo DISH uhs) (adjective)
Showing sound judgment: "Calvin's judicious decisions regarding his investments have made him wealthy."
At the trial, the judicial decision was that the stockbroker had made judicious decisions about investing the client's money and had not committed any fraud.
judicially (adverb), more judicially, most judicially
1. The system of law courts that administer justice and constitute the judicial branch of governments: The judiciary is the authority in a country that is concerned with justice and a proper legal system.
The judiciary of the United States is responsible for interpreting and enforcing federal laws.
2. A collective group of judges: The President expanded the judiciary to include three new magistrates.
judiciary (adjective), more judiciary, most judiciary
A reference to a system of law courts that determine the legal rights of people and which assign rewards or punishments: The judiciary system of the county made a decision in favor of the man who said he was being mistreated by his wife.
judicious (adjective), more judicious, most judicious
1. Characterized or marked by the exercise of common sense when making decisions: The organization's judicious planning made it easier to succeed with its objectives.
2. Conveying or showing wisdom, good sense, or discretion, so trouble or waste can be avoided: Jim and Jane were hoping that, when their son goes to college, he will make judicious decisions regarding his future, instead of disregarding the purposes of his education.

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2. Conveying or showing wisdom, good sense, or discretion, so trouble or waste can be avoided: Jim and Jane were hoping that, when their son goes to college, he will make judicious decisions regarding his future, instead of disregarding the purposes of his education.
Herbert was judicious in selecting furniture and arranging his apartment so it could serve both as his residence and as his business office.

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judiciously (adverb), more judiciously, most judiciously
Characteristic of showing reasonable and practical decisions: Henry provided a judiciously worded statement to his executive officer that clarified the objectives of the committee and their achievements so far.
misjudge (verb), misjudges; misjudged; misjudging
1. To incorrectly estimate something; such as, a distance or an amount of something: The driver misjudged the time it would take to get to his medical appointment.
2. To have an inaccurate opinion about someone or something: When Jennifer found out that her son was studying for a test, she realized that she was misjudging her son's reason for going to bed so late.
2. To have an inaccurate opinion about someone or something: When Jennifer found out that her son was studying for a test, she realized that she was misjudging her son's reason for going to bed so late.
An opinion or idea about someone or something which is unfair or wrong: The decision to sell their house at this time turned out to be a financial misjudgment for James and Jill.
Nemo unquam judicet in se. (Latin statement)
Translation: "No one can ever be a judge in his own cause."
A legal expression.
prejudge (verb), prejudges; prejudged; prejudging
To form an opinion about something or someone prior to sufficient understanding or knowledge: There were those who complained that certain reporters had prejudged the results of the election.